I have slept a little bit in the train to Guangzhou. Sunset was amazing and even took some photos from the train. The train is very loud, crowded with local people.
Suddenly it got really hot. They switched off the air conditioning. It is because they are loading the train to the ferry!
Huge ferry! It looks like the train carriages are going to a massive warehouse. Two carriages already loaded. Our train is over 20 carriages!
I feel the fresh breeze!
They secure the carriages once inside of the ferry. Locked to the ground firmly. They screw the carraiges to the floor! Must be due to the waves in the sea, that it wouldn’t fall over!
I am really getting sick. I am shivering all the time and strange feeling in the heart area. Must be the flu from the cold. I hope not the swine flu! If I will have fever, they will not let me out. I hope it will pass in couple days. Also, had a pain ache! Took some pain killers and it seems better. I hope it will stay that way!
Another train carriage loaded to the ferry. Splitting the train.

It is 6:30 am. I am still in the train. It turns out the trip is not 12 hours, but 14!
The morning is very beautiful! I have slept a little bit, but not so well. People were spitting all night on the floor and kept waking up from that nasty sound. I even lost appetite to eat anything.
In half an hour I should be getting off in Guangzhou train station. I hope I am not going to miss that!
7:40 am still in the train. I’ve read somewhere that trains are on time here and never late. Must be a lie!
I cannot find my Hugo Boss polo shirt. Must have stolen from the line next to hostel when they were drying out or in the hostel room. Can’t find small towel either. Such fun!
Finally I have arrived to Guangzhou and at the hostel already. I will go to the city to explore a bit.
That trip was with some adventures. First, I got off in the wrong station. One stop too early in some small town. Still half an hour on train to Guangzhou. Good that I have asked a member of staff, so she pushed me back into the train. Literally she pushed me back into train! I don’t know what I would have done there as it is so hard to get the ticket last minute and probably next train would have been next day!
While I was sleeping I had a very weird dream. I had a voice saying that I must not go to the Mosque and then I felt a pressure in my chest and woke up covered in cold sweat. There was Mosque called Huaisheng Mosque which is the oldest in China and I was thinking to go there.
So I got off in the main station and was trying to buy the ticket for the train with no luck. In two places I was asking where it find it and people told me go left or right and in the end I saw the sign “Entrance” and a million of people. I have decided that I will buy the ticket somewhere else and not going to wait that massive queue!
After that I was looking for Metro. I was going in circles. Even walked into the underground parking. Later I walked around 300 m under the tunnel and had to go back. Once I found the metro everything was somewhat clear.
I got off the metro and I was asking people where is the street with a hostel. One girl told me that I need to take a bus and go for half an hour and it is really far. I somehow didn’t trust her as in Chinese culture it is common not to admit that you don’t know and just to tell something even if you don’t know the answer. So I asked an English guy and he pointed me into the right direction and I found it in 5 miuntes.
Soon I will go to look around the city to see the skyscrapers and the temples!