So a little bit about Guilin city. This wonderful city is surrounded by stunning hills! Some of them even resemble a real mountains.
The total population of Guilin is almost 5 million people. Entire Lithuania is merely 3 million! It was established as a small settlement in 314 BC.
n 1981, Guilin was listed as one of the four cities (the other three being Hangzhou,Beijing and Suzhou) where the protection of historical and cultural heritage, as well as natural scenery, should be the priority. It is really beautiful place. Full of nice hikes, though some of them I heard not safe to hike alone as can be attacked and robbed.
Today I met an American girl. Now we are sharing a room together, as she needed to stay and I needed to stay, so we decided to share.
Also I have met a couple from Spain, who are travelling in China already for a month.
Today I climbed to the same hill twice! The views are amazing and worth the work! Second time was at night with the American girl. We have been caught by the guard. Of course, we had no idea that the hill was guarded. Anyway, at least he let us to take some pictures before we had to go away.
Ok I am off to bed and I am very tired and also it is very late here.