10 things I love about China:
1. From my experience, in closed establishments Chinese people were very friendly and hospitable. It was not applicable on the train or in mass gathering places (parks and etc.)
2. Food is amazing! I loved the jelly fish and prawns! However, you need to know what to eat and food is very different from Western Chinese restaurants.
3. Street food was the best! Especially at night you could get amazing street food. Even though, in the beginning it was a bit scary not to get food poisoning. Why we don’t have them in Lithuania? Just Kebab…
4. Alcoholic drinks are expensive in the clubs, but from my experience locals really want to interact and learn about me and offered free drinks.
5. Amazing public transport in the cities. However, travelling among cities takes time and not that cheap, unless you fly. Best to to take night trains between cities.
6. Clubs are working all days of the week!
7. If someone is in your way you can “push”. It is “normal” in China to push each other. Sometimes you have to push yourself into the metro carriage.
8. You can bargain and bargain, even when you are buying just the water!
9. Street names are in English in many places. Metro plan as well in English. Just make sure your map has English names as it might be difficult to match the names on the Streets.
10. If you wan to rent a motorcycle you don’t even need driving licence, just because you are a tourist, especially in touristic cities like Sanya.
10 things I personally hated in China
1. A lot of people everywhere! Especially in the touristic places! A small city is 10 million people.
2. People driving without rear lights at night. Quote difficult to see. Also, traffic rules do not apply to anybody. Cars are ignoring red lights quite often.
3. Ripping off of the tourists. Sometimes they make you pay for things that are normally free. Also, selling items 4 times the price. So you must always bargain!
4. Spitting in the train and everywhere else. It is quite frequent to spit in the trains, though I think it is illegal now. However, be aware of bus drivers spitting as you drive by.
5. Throwing the trash everywhere, thinking that someone else will gather it.
6. Not many people speak English, especially in suburban areas where people cannot even read their local language.
7. Sideways toilets and everyone can see how when you drop your package down the drainage as there are no doors in some pubic toilets.
8. Some people play load music in the trains or buses not caring about other people resting or trying to sleep. Especially long distance ones. Also, a lot of shouting involved in public transport and streets.
9. Blocked Facebook and YouTube. Unless you have VPN to go through government filters.
10. A lot of air pollution in big cities. Smog mixed with high humidity becomes unbearable in hot summer days.